Legacy of Gabriela Mistral

Born on April 7, 1889, Lucila de María Godoy Alcayaga, known as Gabriela Mistral, is one of the most important exponents of the commune of Vicuña.
His legacy extends far beyond his contribution to literature; It has also left an indelible mark on the education, culture and tourism of the region.
The poet was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, back in 1945, for her “lyrical work, inspired by powerful emotions, which made her name a symbol of the idealistic aspirations of the entire Latin American world.”

You will be able to learn about her legacy in the “Gabriela Mistral Museum”, whose rooms are structured into six aspects of her life: Origin and landscape, Atkinson Legacy, Poetry and work, Public life and spirituality.

Gabriela Mistral's legacy in the Elqui Valley is a testimony of her life, her work and her impact on Chilean and international culture.

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